my dinner with @kanter

So I met Beth Kanter and her delightful family for dinner tonight in Falmouth! We were going to meet at a Cambodian restaurant that I had never been to before, but alas, I have still never been to it, because it was shuttered for the Dead Season (January-February-March, when all Cape Cod restaurateurs go to Florida).

So we hightailed it back to Falmouth, where we found that my favorite Indian restaurant was ALSO closed for the Dead Season. But then we ended up at a rather acceptable place that turned out to have rather less-than-acceptable service,but at least the company was stellar.

We talked about Twitter, blogging, Second Life, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, WESTAF, people we know in common, people we should know in common, and many many other terribly important things, like the fact that The Sharing Foundation has somehow slipped into second place in this much-blogged competition — but only by a measly ten donors!

Beth has a plan to pull out all the stops and blow away the competition on Monday, but I’m going to go a little early and urge you, if you haven’t already, to give just $10 to help Cambodian kids get a better life.

Now, I’ve been pitching this cause for a little while now, after I heard about it from Beth and read more about it on the Sharing Foundation’s website. But it wasn’t until today that I found out that the founder, Dr. Nancy Hendrie, is an alumna of my very own Mount Holyoke College! (Read the article linked to there — she’s got a really amazing life story.)

Dr. Hendrie is from the class of ’54, and I am from the class of ’93, so it’s unlikely that our paths will cross at reunion this year. But I have been asked to present to both MHC reunion weekends this year on Web 2.0 for nonprofits, and now I am thinking that I will use The Sharing Foundation — and Beth Kanter’s use of social media to raise significant funds in its honor — as a main case study during those classes this spring.

So thank you, Beth, for an excellent Saturday night out on the town with your family, whom I mostly shamefully ignored so that I could talk Geek with you. Please apologize to them for my atrocious manners, explain away anything bizarre or awkward that I might have said as being possibly due to a lack of Vitamin C, and let’s do it again soon.


One response to “my dinner with @kanter

  1. Thanks so much for this! Didn’t see this until just now …

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